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  • InBody Dial is a home-use product and data can only be checked from the InBody APP. If you would like to manage data on PC, you must purchase Professional device.
  • InBody Test results are shown on the LCD screen for 100 seconds. If you want to see it for a longer period of time, turn the dial.
  • Yes. If the user’s thighs or armpits touch, have him or her wear a light short sleeve shirt and shorts to obtain more accurate results.
  • Height is important for obtaining accurate InBody Test results. Measure the user on a stadiometer for best results.
  • Your InBody Ranking is based off a formula that compares your weight, muscle mass, and body fat mass. A person with a high body fat percentage would have a lower score than a person with a lower body fat percentage. Lose body fat mass to see your ranking increase.
  • Visceral fat level is InBody’s method of level display which leveled cross section of visceral fat from 1 to 20. For adults, it is normal if visceral fat level is below 10. The lower the visceral fat level, the better.
  • If you are standing with incorrect posture, outcomes will vary. Make sure your hands and feet are come in contact with the electrodes properly. Maintain this posture until the Test is complete. If you have dry hands and/or feet, clean them with an InBody Tissue before testing.
    InBody recommends testing during the same time of day, under the same conditions for accuracy.

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